COVID 19 has suddenly changed the world, your community, and each life dramatically. Within a very short amount of time, the entire world has been forced to change the way we go about our days. Although it feels like nothing is normal, today is the new normal.

Monday Morning


Monday mornings can be a challenge. This Monday morning, however, for all of us, was met with uncertainty like no other time in our life. It’s likely our routine was different, if even present at all. The stress we feel is settling into our bodies. Our minds struggle to make sense of the constant barrage of changes. And our hearts are bogged down.

My Monday morning was no more difficult than yours. I slept an hour longer than normal and skipped my workout. My first thoughts ran to the number of cases and number of deaths. My heart felt heavy even though the week has not started as my eyes had opened just a few minutes earlier. My body felt tired even though it had a full night’s sleep. My mind was numb even though nothing had happened yet. And my heart was murky. It was a difficult start to the day.

So Now What?


As my feet hit the floor, I knew what I needed to do. Although I had missed my morning workout, I committed to doing it after my workday. Although I didn’t feel like eating, I decided to have a good breakfast to fuel myself for the day. Instead of turning on the news, I listened to instrumental music as I got myself ready for the day. Then I took some time to reflect on all I was grateful for.

When things are tough, it’s more important than ever to be on our game. Each of us needs to care for ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually during these challenging times. The longer it goes on, the more important all three will be.

Take an Assessment


How are feeling physically? Take an assessment and be honest with yourself. What can you do to feel better physically? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Get enough sleep, but don’t stay in bed too long.

  • Make sure you move. If you’re not a person who exercises, now is the time to start a new routine. Start slowly and do it regularly. If your exercise routine has been disrupted, embrace the change and find new activities to enjoy.

  • Eat right. Find ways to mange what you’re eating instead of doing it mindlessly. Get creative. There has never been a time this is more important.

How are you feeling mentally? Take an assessment and be honest with yourself. What can you do to feel better mentally? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Stay in the present - Instead of thinking about all the bad things that could happen, think about what you can do in this moment.

  • Limit how much news you digest - Just like junk food, too much information about the difficulties in the world can be bad for you.

  • Connect with others - There are many ways to connect virtually. Take advantage of them, even if it feels awkward. Ask questions (Google can answer any question you have) and be creative.

  • Help out - Although we are physically distancing from others, there is great value to our mental health if we find ways to help others. Write someone an encouraging note, give money, or deliver groceries to someone in need.

  • Accept the reality of what is - Instead of using your time fretting over how things are not the same as they had been, describe your current situation as it is. Do not be overly gloomy or optimistic. Tell yourself the truth.

  • Don’t make up stories - Although it may seem inevitable challenges will come your way, do not make up difficulties in your mind prematurely and suffer from them now. You will need all the mental strength you can muster up should difficulties occur.

How are you feeling spiritually? Take an assessment and be honest with yourself. What can you do to feel better spiritually? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Hope is essential right now. You must find something to be hopeful about.

  • Faith is not about religion but about what you believe in. Spend time defining what that is so you can lean on it.

  • Gratitude is a really good habit to develop. It takes our eyes away from what is wrong and focuses on what is right. What we focus on grows.

  • Joy can be chosen even in the most difficult situations. This is a matter of perspective. Work on finding joy.

  • Meaning can be found if we look for it. What meaning does this new normal have for you? How will you become a better person based on the changes you are now facing?

  • Purpose is something every human being was created for. What is yours? It’s not necessarily grandiose, nor do you need to overthink it. What purpose do you serve for those around you?

  • Love is the center of everything. Love yourself. Love others. Love the situation. Love the unknown. Let love win. Love never fails.

Take Care of Yourself

During this time of forced change, I challenge you to think of something you can do for yourself every day to improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health. By doing this, you will more easily cope with this how things have changed.

Embrace the new normal.
