Depression is complicated. Some people are depressed because of their difficult circumstances and some have a chemical imbalance. Some people are depressed because of past traumas and others have lost hope.

This is the problem. Depression comes from so many sources. It attacks our body, our mind, and our spirit. There are no simple answers.

And depression is difficult to talk about.

So, let’s talk about cookies. To make chocolate chip cookies, you mix together butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla, flour, baking soda, salt, and of course, chocolate chips. The cookie is made up of all these ingredients.

Think of your life as a cookie.

You may be depressed because of your difficult circumstances, but this is just one ingredient in your life. It may be that you have a chemical imbalance. That does not mean there is nothing you can do about your depression. You have other ingredients.

Here’s the good news. Although there are factors in your life causing you to be depressed, there are also other factors, or ingredients, that have an impact on how your life goes. Depression is just one ingredient. It is not who you are. It does not need to define you. And, the other ingredients can help to minimize the effects of your depression.

Here are three powerful ingredients that can help mitigate the effects of depression.

A Strong Body

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Your body will impact how you feel about things based on well it feels. Achy joints, a bloated stomach, or lack of sleep will cause your outlook on life to darken. Because you live in this container 24 hours a day, it’s important to treat it well so it will do the same for you. Never underestimate the effect your physical body has on your mental and spiritual health.

You can work to improve the health of your body by eating well, moving your body, and getting the proper amount of sleep. A healthy body is a powerful ingredient. Caring for your body will be a good ingredient to reduce the effects of depression.

A Strong Mind

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Another ingredient is a strong mind. Build up how you think, not feel, about your life. Your mind is able to get rid of negative thinking, change the temptation to catastrophize life events, and stay in the moment. Instead of reliving the past or going too far into the future, you can gain skills and add this good ingredient.

If you suffer from depression, I want to acknowledge how resilient you are. It is hard work living with this overwhelming feeling. You are doing it. Just know that your ability to cope is your superpower. Use that resilience to take back the direction of your life. Be proactive with your thinking and take steps to heal your mind. I know you can do this, because I did. After so many years of believing I was a victim to this disease, I took steps to improve my mental health, my physical health, and my spiritual health. The combination of the three was my ticket out.

One more way to improve your mental health is to connect with others. Find a friend to confide in, get a trained counselor, a coach, or join a group. Connecting with others is a powerful ingredient to battle depression. Whenever you can distract yourself from your unhealthy thinking, you will be in a more natural state. Suffering alone is not the way out.

A Strong Spirit

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The third ingredient is a strong spirit. Our spirit is a bit mysterious and we often ignore it. Your spirit is, however, just as important as your physical body or your mind.

Acknowledge your faith, have hope, choose gratitude, live with joy, find meaning, have a purpose, and above all else, love. These practices will give you a broader understanding and strengthen your life. Work on them every week, if not every day. These skills are good ingredients in your life.

It’s Just One Ingredient

Although each of these three components are powerful, combining a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy spirit, will have an exponential effect to ward off the effects of depression. Because depression lives in your body, mind, and spirit, you must address the effects in each area of your life.

This is not to say that you don’t address the root cause of your depression. Mine was primarily physical. I had to start with healing my body. You may have to heal your mind or heal your spirit. Even though you will concentrate on healing one aspect, make sure you also build up the others.

Do not label yourself as depressed, because it is just one ingredient of your life. As you deal with the root cause, also begin to build up the good ingredients in your life.

Make your cookie (life) so full of GOOD ingredients that

depression does not have a chance to take over.
