I was stuck. It was hard to find even a sliver of hope in this desperate situation. It felt as is someone had picked me up and then thrown me to the ground. I was hopeless.

You may feel this way too. Life seems to have it in for you. Circumstances and people have backed you into a hopeless corner.

There is a way out.

Back to Square One

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After 18 years of suffering from depression, I had finally been given a diagnosis and hope in the form of a little white pill. Although the first two prescriptions didn’t provide any relief, the third medication took hold and gave me my life back for three beautiful years.

And then, just like that, the antidepressant dropped me like a hot potato. I was left feeling like I was at the bottom of a mud puddle with no way out. The next two attempts at medication proved fruitless. What was I supposed to do? I was stuck.

Does this sound familiar? Have you tried to get unstuck and then found yourself back where you started? It's easy to give up at this point. But there is a way.

So Now What?


Although I wasn’t completely aware of it at the time, I began to ask myself the question, so now what? I kept my ear to the ground and payed attention to anyone who offered a possible solution to my problem. Change my diet? Sure. Sit in front of a light? OK. Use essential oils to feel better? I’ll give it a try. Listen to audio tapes about my anxiety (which I was convinced I didn’t have)? I’ll do anything. Exercise? Sigh.

What I realized through this journey was being stuck was up to me. If I chose to sit in it and suffer, no one was going to pull me out. In fact, no one could. But, if I chose to do something about it, I could make steps forward. Not everything worked. Some worked for a time. But in either case, it was up to me to make my life better.

How About You?

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What has you stuck? Is it a relationship, your job, or your weight? Do you wish for better circumstances but don’t see a way to get there? Have you given up your life’s direction to the decisions and whims of others? Are you afraid? Do things seem out of control? Are you just not sure what to do next?

I understand. It’s easy to get stuck. We don’t try to make it happen but it does. We make what we think are reasonable choices and then we find ourselves stuck without options.

Get Creative


If you feel stuck, it’s time to get creative. Come up with 10 ways you could get unstuck from your current situation. No wishing others would change, this is up to you. The solutions cannot harm anyone including yourself. These are pro-active steps toward a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

What new attitudes, actions, or skill could you try? What person could you ask, book could you read, or podcast could you listen to? What are some out of the box solutions you haven’t tried yet? Consider all your options no matter how unconventional they may sound.

And then it’s time to take-action. Pick one of the 10 ways and give it a try. If you’re prone to give up easily, give it an extra push. If you’re prone to hang on to ideas that aren’t working too long, be honest with yourself about the effectiveness of your efforts. Listen to other people’s experiences. Write notes about your progress. Keep your mind and heart open.

One More Step


There’s one more step to get unstuck. Let’s say you are battling depression like I was. Consider what impact your physical health has on your depression. Are you eating right? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you moving your body? All these things impact your mood.

Also consider your spiritual health. Are you hopeful about recovering? If not, stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself you’re going to beat this thing. Are you grateful? If it seems difficult to be, write down 3 things you are grateful for morning, noon, and night. Do you have someone you love (even a pet)? Tell them what you love about them. You’ll see how powerful your words are. Volunteer and help others. It takes the focus off you and will help you feel much better.

Feeling hopeless? Ask questions, get creative and find your solution.
