Everyone is doing the best they can with the body, mind, and spirit they have.

Our best performance depends on how healthy our body is, how healthy our mind is, and how healthy our spirit is. The nourishment we give each of these parts will determine how well we can perform.

What are we feeding them?

Here are three ways to nourish your body.



Some people use their taste buds and cravings to make their food choices. Others enjoy the process of cooking and their hobby determines what ends up on their plate. For some, food is an obsession, and their compulsion decides what they eat. And for some, their budget determines what fuels their body. Many people use hunger pains as their primary decision maker and others decide based on what is available locally or how the food is processed. And finally, many people follow diets to dictate what foods to eat and which ones to avoid.

Although pleasure is not food’s primary function, it is possible to both fuel your body and enjoy the taste.

The more we know about food and its impacts on our body and our health, the more capable we will be to make rational, informed, and intentional choices about what we eat. The better choices we make, the better fuel our body gets. When we are well fueled, we will look better, feel better, and do better.

Although your taste buds may crave sugar, it’s likely that your brain has been over-stimulated by it. Letting our taste buds choose our diet is like letting a toddler decide the best time to go to bed. Work with your cravings but do not let them rule the house.

What your body needs for fuel will change over time due to age, activity level, stress level, and illness. Keep up on what foods are the best for your body.



Your body is the tool you use to move throughout your day. It’s currently believed that sitting is just as bad for our health as smoking, so get moving! As you exercise and enjoy physical activity, blood pumps through your body, increasing how well your lungs, heart, brain, and even eyes work.

To nourish your body with movement, first of all, plan for it. Write it on your calendar and keep the appointment with yourself. Find something to do you enjoy so you’re likely to do it often. If you have trouble getting motivated, get a trainer or join a class (even virtually). This is an important investment. Don’t starve yourself of this crucial part of feeling well.

I have learned three things about exercise over the past nine years. First, it’s OK to break a sweat (check with your doctor first). Second, a strong core is extremely important for all activities. And third, keep stretching! My weekly yoga session keeps me be balanced, flexible, and calm.



In addition to nourishing out body by feeding it well, and moving it, our performance will also depend on how much rest we get.

To get a good night’s sleep, make sure to eliminate the number of lights that are illuminated in your room (cell phone, alarm clock, TV). Give yourself enough time to sleep so you will wake up rested. Make sure your sheets and pillows are cozy, and the room’s temperature is cool enough to sleep comfortably. Finally, talk about the value of sleep with those you live with.

Nourish your body by eating well, moving often, and getting enough sleep.

How will you nourish your body today?

