As COVID-19 rears its ugly head, many changes have taken place in our lives. People around the world are trying to wrap their head around the forced change due to a virus so small it cannot be seen without a microscope.

Yesterday, Minnesota schools were called off. In response, my Facebook page blew up with a plethora of great ideas about how to help our children continue to learn when their schools are closed. What a beautiful reaction to the looming danger. The school closings gave people something to DO for children. It provided a place to step in and be part of the solution. It is an opportunity to help.

What About Us?


Adults are going to need help too. Lots of it. During this common experience, we are each going to have our own struggles. No one will be immune from the economic, emotional, and physical strains. We can, however, get through it easier, if we learn to ask each other for help.

Some will need financial help

Some will need emotional support

Some will need medical care

Some will need encouragement

Some will need childcare

Some will need patience

Are you in the habit of asking for help? I’m sure not! My independence and pride keep me from ‘needing’ anyone. Frankly, my privilege is a part of it too. I have freedom in so many ways. It seems that this may soon change. I will need to learn to ask for help. In the moment. What will I ask for?

Be like the virus


Interestingly, a virus can only thrive when it is inside another organism. Likewise, we can only thrive when we are operating within a community. When we help each other, we thrive. When we support one another, we’re strong. When we come together, we can beat any enemy, no matter how big or small.

What is it you need right now? Even if it’s something small, I suggest asking for it. That way, when a real need shows up, you’re not completely uncomfortable asking for and receiving help. By asking for help, you step into the shoes of the person who will someday ask you for help. You will understand the position of one who is in need. You will have increased perspective.

What will you ask for help with today?

How will you thrive by being part of the community?
