Words Matter


Words Matter

Our words matter. When we say something out loud, we want our actions to be consistent with those words. Find out how your words are helping or hurting your life.


Managing "IT"


Managing "IT"

Most of us can get pulled into Facebook or spend hours watching TV and later feel like it was a total waste of time. How are we supposed to deal with all the information coming at us?


50 Ways to Love


50 Ways to Love

It's more than chocolates and roses.  In honor of Valentines Day, when we stop and think about love, here are 50 ways to show it to one another.  I am talking about true and genuine love.  Positive and healthy ways to show love.


Being Heard


Being Heard

Have you ever struggled with being heard?  There are times when I explain myself but it’s clear that the listener doesn't understand.  Why won’t they listen to me?!?


They're MY Emotions


They're MY Emotions

Do you have control over your emotions?  Do you have control over other people's emotions?  Sometimes we blame others for our emotions so we don't have to face what they reveal in us. 





Our lives intersect one another every day.  This may seem random and unplanned.  I'm growing to understand, however, that these intersections are a lot less haphazard than I had previously thought.





What are the things we say when we aren’t as happy as we want to be, we haven’t lost the weight we want to lose, we feel our lives haven’t become what we wanted them to or we didn’t get the promotion we thought we deserved?


Seven Barriers to Love


Seven Barriers to Love

How do we love one another better?  In the pursuit to love more freely and completely, beware of these emotional hazards which will cause the love to stop flowing.  Can you find the theme among these 7 deadly sins?


Ask for What You Want


Ask for What You Want

It hurts to be ignored.  It happened to me recently and I spiraled into the mindset of a victim and believing I am unworthy.  For those of us prone to anxiety or depression, it’s an easy fall.  There is a solution.  It just takes a little courage.


Whatever It Takes


Whatever It Takes

Are you having trouble with a relationship?  Dig deep and ask yourself what these troubles say about you.  Are you doing whatever it takes to keep the relationship alive?  You may want to re-think that.


Home Improvement for Your Life


Home Improvement for Your Life

All kinds of things can go wrong with houses.  There are leaky pipes, chipping paint, and design flaws.  Let’s say our body and mind is a house.  Here are 10 ways to do home improvement to stand strong and beautiful.


The Crushing Effect of Words


The Crushing Effect of Words

What do you do when someone’s words crush you?  How do you handle your hurt feelings caused by someone else?  When we have disagreements, there is some form of one of us thinking, ‘I’m not enough’ or ‘you’re not enough’ and the other one believing it.  Here is how to eliminate these difficult feelings with just one step.


I Don't Want to Get Out of Bed


I Don't Want to Get Out of Bed

I woke up and didn’t want to get out of bed.  It was just too much to take.  I wanted to hide from the difficulties that were right in front of me.  Although things were not that bad right now, I anticipated that things were going to get much much worse. 





We can all be guilty of putting people in boxes.  Some of it is normaland sometimes it is judgmental.  Either way, it is a good idea to deconstruct the boxes we have put people in so that we can see all that they are and expose our judgments so they can be thrown away.


Letting Go of Grudges


Letting Go of Grudges

It’s a burden to carry around a grudge against someone
It is easier to let it go
Hanging on to it only keeps me in the past
I can move forward
I am free!
