Sometimes we’re stuck and don’t change. We justify our stuck position and settle into the difficulty. It becomes normal. We are trapped and uncomfortable. We may not even realize it.

It is hard work to stay stuck

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Whether you’re stuck in an unhealthy mind, body, or spirit, the struggle takes a toll. The lack of sleep or poor diet take energy from you. Bitterness and revenge carry disruptive words to all your conversations. And the inability to be hopeful about the future does nothing but keep you stuck in the dark moments of today. 

Why continue to live in a tired body? Why not take care of it so it can take care of you?

Why hold on to negative emotions? They hold you hostage and keep you from having a sound mind which is able to deal with life as it happens.

Why be hopeless? It keeps you from enjoying today. Whether or not things turn out the way you want, being hopeful keeps you from wasting time fretting over what ‘might’ happen.

The cost of staying stuck


Many people stay stuck and do not like change, because they cannot see the future benefits. They are unwilling to put effort in for a potential outcome. They want to be certain that their efforts will catapult them towards the desired outcome.  

The steps towards change can be difficult because you’re not likely to get them right the first time. Just like a toddler learning to walk, you will fall many times before you become steady on your feet. It’s a necessary process.

The cost of staying stuck and not taking the steps to change is very high. The unhealthy habits and patterns you live with are taxing to your mind body, and spirit. It limits your growth and opportunities. Instead of gracing others with your talents and abilities, you remain stuck and ineffective.

Being stuck is simply a sign that something needs fixing. Life continues to provide us opportunities to become something better. None of the steps we take will be wasted unless we ignore the message it is showing us and stay stuck.

When we are stuck, what we are doing isn’t working. Change must occur. Embracing it is the only way to get unstuck.

Embrace change and get unstuck


You might have said things like, “It’s impossible”, “I can’t do it”, “There is no way it will ever change”, or “I don’t have it in me”. 

Here is something I absolutely know for sure: There is always a solution. In 1900, no one knew how to fly to the moon. But the answer was there. Someone just had to discover it. I was depressed for a very long time. There was a solution. I just had to discover it.

First, I had to take ownership of my unhealthy body. I was stuck living inside a jittery, sugar-addicted, reactive shell. It was much harder to live in that unhealthy body than the healthy one I’ve worked to build. I look the same, but it feels so much better.

To bring about change, I also had to let go of my fear. It acted as a prison guard keeping me captive. I was stuck. Little by little I whittled away at the fear and my body, mind, and spirit became healthy. Fear could not hurt me, but it sure did scare me. I had to name it, face it, and let go of it. 

Finally, change was possible once I believed in my inherent worth. No longer would I be stuck allowing those around me to determine my value and potential. It was up to me to decide that.

If I could do it, anyone can.

So Now What?

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  • What has you stuck? What is it causing you to do? Describe the difficulty.

  • What is it costing you to not change? Describe your ineffectiveness.

  • What do you need to do to get unstuck? List one thing you can do physically, one thing mentally, and one thing spiritually that will move you towards freedom.

It’s easier to get unstuck than stay there because being stuck is difficult. Once you embrace that thought, you will be able to go through the process of change even if it is challenging. You will discover many things about yourself along the way.

Stuck is there for you.

Get your copy of So Now What? A Guided Workbook to Get Unstuck. Release date May 27, 2021.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
