Are you sick? Having the flu or a broken arm certainly qualifies. But how about it you have aches and pains, an injury that won’t heal, or are unable to do things you want? Is there anything that can be done about it? You get used feeling less than great to or take medications for the ailment, but are you still sick?

Ignoring the Signs


I went for many years living with an unhealthy body. Believing eating right was unimportant, I had candy bars whenever I felt like it. I stayed away from fruits and vegetables because I didn’t like them. I wasn’t involved in any physical activity and sat at a desk most of the day.

The consequences of living inside a body that couldn’t function well was low energy, a gloomy mood, and a digestive system that didn’t work. It was also the cause of my hopeless feelings about the future and the inability to see anything to be grateful for. My body was giving me signals of its unhealthy state, but I ignored them.

I was sick.

Auto Mechanics 101


Cars must be properly cared for to run well. First, they need the right fuel. The engine requires gas, not water, to run. They also need tires that grip the road. If the tires are worn, the car is likely to be difficult to control. And cars require clean oil to help the engine run smoothly. Cars also need maintenance. If a fan belt breaks, it has to be repaired, or the car can’t drive. If the windshield cracks, it will be difficult for the driver to see. If the muffler gets a hole in it, the car will be very loud and may leak toxic gases into the vehicle.

Our bodies are no different. They need to be properly cared for or we’ll be sick. We need to eat the right amount and types of food to get through our day functioning well. Our bodies need to move in order to have enough energy to do the things we want. And sleep is critically important to rejuvenate our bodies and minds each night. If we catch a cold or develop diabetes, we need to take good care of our body for it to get better.

When I finally realized how unhealthy my body was, I began to take care of it. The first thing I did was begin to eat right. This gave me mental clarity. My gloomy and hopeless thoughts were nothing but a bad habit fueled by a tired body. Once I began to feel better physically, my mental health improved. I also began to feel hopeful about my future.



Is your body healthy? Are you able to do the things you would like to do? Do you have enough energy to get through the day? Are you able to sleep well? Can you say you wouldn’t change a thing about your body and how you feel living in it?

If the answer is no to any of these questions, ask yourself how you are taking care of your body. Since no one else will care as much about it as you do, it’s up to you to figure out the best way to care for it. Talk to professionals, ask questions, do research. What could be done to help it function better?

It’s your home 24/7.

Do You Want to be Well?


Many people become satisfied feeling less than well. They accept it and believe there is no way to improve how they feel.

Did you know it’s difficult to live that way? I do. For years I lived in a body that did nothing but drag me down and messed with my thinking. The only reason I lived all those difficult years was I didn’t understand one simple principle.

I just had to take care of my body as well as I took care of my car.

What is one way you could take better care of your body? Take a walk? Eat an apple? Turn off the TV and get some good sleep? The step doesn’t have to be huge, but the benefits are. You will feel better when you take care of your body. Simple as that.

Pretty soon your small step becomes a habit and you can take better care of your body another way. It’s not cataclysmic. It’s not dramatic. If the steps are too big, they’re usually not sustainable.

And over time, you’ll feel better. You’ll also look better. You may even do better.

